NSX Manager: VTY configuration is locked by other VTY

Have you ever had the problem of working on a unstable network connection and your network drops out. Well this happened to me this morning, but whilst it happened, I was actually connected to my NSX Manager via SSH and in configuration mode. When my network connectivity returned (4G) and […]

How to create a NSX-v API Only User Account 7

One of the main reasons for customers wanting to implement NSX for vSphere is the fact there is a RESTful API which can be leveraged to drive the whole system. In a standard NSX-v installation, by default, the only account that has API only privileges (and no vSphere Web Client privileges) […]

NSX-v Security Policy Applied To Considerations

When working with the Service Composer in NSX-v, by default, when a firewall rule is created in a Security Policy, the firewall rule, when applied, uses the default Applied To value of Distributed Firewall. This means that even though the firewall rule is part of a security policy which is then applied to a specific security group, the rule would be pushed down to every vNIC within the clusters that have been prepared for NSX DFW capabilities and have the firewall enabled. One of the new features introduced in NSX-v 6.2 […]